New Yorkers for Culture & Arts

If the hearing is virtual, you must register no less than 24 hours before the hearing. You can sign up here:
Simply choose the hearing at which you’d like to testify from the drop down menu.
Note that even though you are asked to upload your testimony, you can skip that step and submit later if your testimony is not yet finished.

On the morning of the virtual hearing, email your testimony to
Make sure you note the date and hearing title in the subject line AND include your contact info in the testimony doc.
Finally, it’s great if you can also email your testimony to the chair of the hearing, any key Councilmembers, and your own Council Member. Here ’s a list of Council Member email addresses---scroll to the bottom of the web page.

If the hearing is in person, you do not need to register in advance. You go down to City Hall at the time of the hearing. Enter either at the east side security gate, across from across from the Brooklyn Bridge; or at the west side security gate at Broadway and Murray Street. Go through a gated entrance with a metal detector and give the guard the name of the hearing you are attending.

Once inside, the hearings are on the 2nd floor, in either the main chambers or in a smaller room off to the right. You sign up to speak at the desk labeled “Seargent At Arms”. You will then wait to be called. It could be anywhere from an hour to more than 5 hours till you are called! Hearings during budget season are typically longer.

You should have your testimony printed out and make 20 copies for the Committee. If you have to leave before testifying, you can drop your written testimony and copies with the Seargent at Arms. (You can also email your testimony as per the advice above)

NOTE: if you cannot testify, you can email your statement up to 72 hours after the time of the hearing. Be sure to include your name, contact info, date and title of the hearing and committee. Email it to

Advice for testifying before City Council:

Most testimony is limited to two minutes total. You can have more information in your written statement, but will only have 2 min to say the highlights in testimony. It’s good to be strategic to ensure you catch the Council’s attention and deliver your message. Here are some recommendations:

--Super short meaningful picture of your impact: ie, "We teach arts to 700 public school children in the Bronx. A former student wrote last week saying her classes with us kept her interested in school, and that she just graduated from college."

NOTE: Undoubtedly your organization has many different programs impacting many different populations. Now is not the time to list them all; choose one central part of your mission for this testimony. You can include the full list in the written statement.

--A few specifics on what you are doing to serve your community, ie. "Our classes have continued online during the shutdown, providing enriching experiences to middle schoolers stuck at home in neighborhoods hardest hit by COVID."

If you'd like to use data on the impact of arts and culture, here are some headlines.

In NYC (pre COVID)

The creative economy in NYC employs more than 300,000 people*

It generates $110B in economic activity for the city*

Neighborhoods with cultural assets show better outcomes for education, aging, crime, health, and community well being.**

This is a sheet of powerful data headlines, particularly on the economic impact of COVID.