Public storage property manager

Public Storage Jobs Available for Great Property Managers

Public Storage Jobs Available for Great Property Managers

Mar 31, 2023 / Alyssa Duranty

You’ve seen Public Storage’s orange doors, but have you thought about working behind them? If you have, you’re not alone, and you can easily apply at

“I’ve been blessed to be here for this long,”; she said.

She’s just one of thousands of Public Storage property managers who enjoy their jobs every day, and there’s many more positions open around the country for adults with at least a year of work experience under their belts.

“You need to know what it’s like to deal with customers, but I’ll teach you the sales skills,”; said Julie, a Public Storage hiring manager. “It’s a great job for people who are willing to learn and grow.”;

There are plenty of benefits that come with working for the nation’s leading self-storage company, which include medical coverage, paid training and retirement plans for fulltime employees.

And there’s some other perks you may not know, but are definitely worth mentioning. So keep reading to hear why Dalila and other property managers nationwide love working for Public Storage, and how you can apply to join the growing team!

Steady Hours are Great for Students and Parents

Between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. property managers can expect to help customers rent units, confirm reservations, ensure units are clean and sell merchandise. The hours and the everyday duties are consistent, which is great if you’ve experienced the downsides of working in retail. No late-night hours and early mornings at Public Storage!

“During the holiday season, and throughout the year, our shifts don’t change and there’s no chance of working graveyard,”; said Nathan, who heads Public Storage’s hiring team. “We guarantee a fulltime schedule.”;

Public Storage’s regular hours make it easy for college students, and those who want to return to school, to schedule classes.

“Our jobs give them the opportunity to work fulltime and still have time for classes,”; said Julie. “We value education, and college students usually stay with us for the duration of their education.”;

At the end of 2016, Josalyn decided to leave her last retail job to become the property manager of Public Storage at 1910 Hughes Way El Segundo, CA 90245 because she wanted more time for school and to work at a great company in the meantime.

“I was working a job before where I didn’t have a set schedule or hours,”; said the senior psychology major. “It’s great that I have Sundays off, because that’s when I go to school and I have more time to study.”;

For similar reasons, a Public Storage property manager job is great for working parents because of the consistent schedule, said Julie.

“My daughter was five when I started working at Public Storage, and now she’s 28,”; said Dalila. “But when she was younger, this job was great because I dropped her off at school before I started work. I’m always off by 6, and even earlier on the weekends.”;

It’s also a great job if you’re a parent who is ready to return to the workforce after raising young kids, said Julie.

smiling public storage property manager behind counter

Public Storage Jobs Add Manager Skills to Your Resume

Becoming a Public Storage property manager immediately adds managerial experience to your resume, a title that could take months or years to acquire at other retail jobs.

“When our property managers move on to another career, they’ll be able to apply to jobs that require manager experience,”; said Julie.

If you like to work independently, this is the perfect job. Supervisors drop in for meetings and check-ins, but they aren’t breathing down your neck.

“It’s not like you’re a cashier and your boss is telling you when you can take lunch and when you can go to the bathroom,”; said Julie. “When the boss is there, it’s about being a support system and helping property managers get better.”;

It’s one of the top reasons Juana, the property manager at Public Storage at 4820 San Fernando Rd. Glendale, CA 91204, loves her job.

“I have a lot of independence here, and I get to take ownership and responsibility for the property,”; she said.

On-Site Apartments Cut Commutes and Living Costs

The property managers who work at facilities with on-site apartments will likely tell you it’s one of the job’s top perks, because they get to live close to work and avoid rent, utility and parking costs.

Keep in mind, not all facilities have apartments. But it’s a great perk if you’re applying for a position at a Public Storage that does!

“I have a three-year-old daughter, so I don’t want to work too far from her,”; Juana said. “Now I know I can go home and have dinner with her at the same time every night. At my last retail job, there were times I didn’t even make it home before she went to bed.”;

She has only been with Public Storage for two years, but she’s already been promoted thanks to her go-getter attitude.

“I’m happy to be here, and I want to stay here for a while to build up my skills and experience,”; Juana said.

If you’re interested in applying for a Public Storage property manager position near you, head over to the Public Storage Careers page for details or text “PSJOBS”; to 25000 from your mobile phone!