Morocco Grading System

The grading system in Moroccan high schools typically operates on a scale from 0 to 20, similar to many French-influenced educational systems. This scale is used to assess students’ academic performance, with grades reflecting a range from “Excellent” to “Fail”. Here’s how it translates into more familiar terms for an international audience, alongside the approximate percentage range and GPA equivalent where applicable:

Morocco GradesComparable English TermsEquivalent Percentage RangeEquivalent GPA (on 4.0 scale)
16-17.99Very Good80-89%3.5-3.9

Note: In some schools, variations like ‘+’ and ‘-‘ are added to grades to provide more nuanced feedback. For instance, a 14+ might indicate a strong performance within the “Good” category, whereas a 14- might signal a performance on the lower end of this category.

College Grade Scale

At the college or university level in Morocco, the grading system remains largely consistent with the high school scale, but interpretations can vary slightly, especially in terms of GPA equivalence and the expectation for performance at this higher level of education:

Morocco GradesComparable English TermsEquivalent Percentage RangeEquivalent GPA (on 4.0 scale)
16-17.99Very Good80-89%3.7-3.9

In higher education, the importance of maintaining a higher GPA for graduation and further academic opportunities (like master’s programs) becomes more pronounced. Additionally, some universities may use a more detailed grading system to further distinguish student performance within these broader categories.

Stay tuned for a deeper understanding of what each grade signifies in the Moroccan educational context! 📚✨

Understanding Grades in Morocco

In Morocco’s education system, grades are not just numbers; they tell a story about a student’s understanding, effort, and achievements. Let’s break down what each grade range signifies, adding a sprinkle of emojis for that extra flair! 🌟

🏆 18-20: Excellent

Achieving a grade in the 18-20 range is akin to reaching the peak of Mount Toubkal – it’s the highest accolade for students. This grade signifies exceptional understanding, mastery of the subject matter, and the ability to apply knowledge creatively and effectively. It’s a rare and impressive feat, indicating that the student has gone above and beyond the requirements.

👍 16-17.99: Very Good

Landing in this grade range is a testament to a student’s strong grasp of the material, excellent critical thinking skills, and the ability to engage deeply with the content. It reflects not just hard work and dedication but also a high level of competency and the potential for academic and professional success.

😊 14-15.99: Good

A grade in this range indicates a solid understanding of the course material. Students here have shown good analytical skills and the ability to apply what they’ve learned in a practical context. While there might be room for improvement in certain areas, achieving a ‘Good’ grade is a strong accomplishment.

👌 12-13.99: Fair

Falling into the ‘Fair’ category means that the student has a satisfactory grasp of the subject matter. It suggests that while the student meets the basic requirements, there might be a need for further study and effort to tackle more complex concepts or to enhance their understanding.

🆗 10-11.99: Sufficient

A ‘Sufficient’ grade indicates that the student has met the minimum requirements to pass. It signifies an understanding of the basic concepts but also highlights areas where the student may need to invest more time and effort to improve.

❌ 0-9.99: Fail

A grade below 10 is considered a fail and suggests that the student has not met the required standards. This outcome signals a need for significant improvement and possibly, re-evaluation of study habits, understanding of the course material, or seeking additional help.

Understanding the meaning behind these grades is crucial for students and parents alike, as it provides insight into academic performance and areas for improvement. In the Moroccan educational system, each grade serves as a stepping stone towards academic and professional development. 📈📘

Morocco Grade Comparison

Comparing the Moroccan grading system with those of other countries can provide valuable insights for international students, educators, and academic institutions. This table outlines how Moroccan grades translate into the grading systems of the US, UK, India, Australia, Canada, and China. It’s important to note that these comparisons are approximate, as grading standards and interpretations can vary significantly across different educational contexts.

Morocco GradesUS GradesUK ClassificationsIndia PercentageAustralia GradesCanada GradesChina Grades
18-20AFirst Class Honours75-100%High DistinctionA+A (90-100)
16-17.99A-Upper Second Class65-74%DistinctionAA- (85-89)
14-15.99B+Lower Second Class55-64%CreditB+B+ (80-84)
12-13.99BThird Class50-54%PassBB (75-79)
10-11.99C+Pass45-49%Pass ConcededC+C+ (70-74)
0-9.99FFailBelow 45%FailFF (Below 70)

Key Observations:

This comparison underscores the diversity of grading practices worldwide and highlights the importance of understanding these differences in a global academic context. Whether you’re a student planning to study abroad, an educator assessing international transcripts, or simply curious about educational systems, recognizing these equivalences is essential. 🌍📚

Special Grading Considerations:

In Morocco, like in many countries, the grading system can vary slightly depending on the state, the type of school (public vs. private), and even the teacher’s discretion. Understanding these nuances is key to fully grasping how academic performance is evaluated across different educational environments in Morocco.

Variations Across States and School Types

Teacher Discretion

Handling Failing Grades

Additional Notes

Understanding these special grading considerations helps students, parents, and educators navigate the educational landscape in Morocco more effectively. It highlights the importance of communication and adaptability in striving for academic success. 📚✨


What is the highest grade in the Moroccan grading system?
The highest grade in the Moroccan grading system is 20, which signifies excellence and an exceptional understanding of the subject matter.

How is the GPA calculated in Moroccan universities?
GPA calculation in Moroccan universities often follows a conversion scale from the 0-20 grading system to a 4.0 scale. Each institution may have its specific formula, typically involving the grade achieved, the credit hours of the course, and a conversion factor.

Can students improve their grades if they fail in Morocco?
Yes, students have opportunities to improve their grades through remedial classes, additional tutoring, or re-sitting exams. Schools and universities usually provide support systems to help students overcome academic challenges.

Are plus and minus grades used in the Moroccan grading system?
While the basic grading system in Morocco does not officially include plus and minus grades, some schools and teachers use them informally to provide more nuanced feedback within the 0-20 scale.

How do Moroccan grades compare to other countries?
Moroccan grades can be roughly compared to other countries’ grading systems by using conversion tables. For example, a grade of 18-20 in Morocco is equivalent to an A or a high distinction in many Western educational systems.

Is the Moroccan grading system the same for all subjects?
Yes, the grading system is generally consistent across subjects. However, the assessment criteria may vary depending on the nature of the subject, with more subjective assessments in courses like literature or art.

How do universities in Morocco handle transfer students from different grading systems?
Universities in Morocco typically use conversion tables to translate grades from different systems into the Moroccan scale. This ensures a fair assessment of transfer students’ academic performance.

These FAQs aim to provide a clearer understanding of the Moroccan grading system and how it operates within the broader educational framework. Whether you’re a student navigating your academic journey or an educator assessing performance, knowing these aspects can greatly assist in achieving educational objectives. 🎓✨

Additional Resources

For those looking to delve deeper into the Moroccan grading system, a variety of official and educational resources are available online. These sources can provide more detailed insights, official policies, and guidelines that govern academic assessment in Morocco. Here are some recommended websites:

These resources are instrumental for students, educators, parents, and academic researchers seeking comprehensive information on the Moroccan grading system and educational policies. Whether you’re looking for specific grading criteria, exploring higher education opportunities, or researching the educational landscape in Morocco, these sites are valuable starting points. 🌍📚
